
Primary & Secondary Sources

The following documents contain a wealth of information. They are all in PDF format so please download as many as you like for personal reference.

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Other War of 1812 Accounts and Information:

Account of Lt. Benjamin Allen

Letter of Col. John Allen

Letter of an Anonymous U.S. Soldier at the Siege of Fort Erie

Journal of Lydia Bacon

Letters of Pvt. Samuel Bains

Journal of Capt. Isaac Baker

Accounts of John Callaway

Expedition of Col. John G. Campbell

Accounts of Pvt. Thomas Christian

Memoirs of Col. John Cochran

Letters of Gen. John Coffee

Accounts of Nat Crain

Letters of Lt. Col. Cropper

Diary of Maj. William Darlington

Diary of a Chaplin in Andrew Jackson’s Army

Personal Reminisences of Gen. Chauncy Eggleston

Accounts of James T. Eubank

Letters of John Floyd

Report of Battle of Fort Erie by Gen. Edmund Gains

Accounts of Pvt. J.R. Giddings

Memoirs and Notes of Alfred Goodman

Narrative of Pvt. William Greathouse

Experiences of Sgt. Jesse Perse Harmon

Accounts of Maj. Horace Holder

Journal of John Innerarity

Letters of John Innerarity

Journal of George Izard

Recollections of John Jackson

Memoirs of Johnathan Kearsley

Notes & Documents of Lt. Reynold Kirby

Letter of Capt. John Long

Journal of Robert B. McAfee

Notes & Documents of Maj. Alexander McCulloch

Papers of Maj. Daniel McFarland

Accounts of Capt. Rufus McIntire

Accounts of the Battle of Mississiniway

Journal of Nathan Newsom

Accounts of John Porter Norton

Letters of Pvt. John Patterson

Diary of Col. Cromwell Pearce

Account of Charles Pentland

Reminiscenses of the Last War

Narrative of James Roberts

A Guide to Viriginia’s Militia Units in the War of 1812

Memoirs of Capt. Ephraim Shaler

Extracts of the Marine Practice of Physic and Surgery

History of the Pittsburgh Washington Infantry

History of Westmoreland County

Letters and Reports on Fort Stephenson

The Fog and Friction of Frontier War

The War in Canada 1812-1814

Uniforms & Equipment of U.S. Forces in the War of 1812